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7355 Jaffray Village Loop Rd, Jaffray, BC, V0B 1T0| 250.429.3211| Fax: 250.429.3555 Utility Links
School District 5
Jaffray Elementary / Jr. Secondary School
Principal's Message

Children are our future. We are dedicated to their success.


We will prepare our students to become independent learners with the desires, the skills, and the abilities necessary for lifelong learning. This will require creating a learning environment that is centered around students, directed by teachers, and supported by home and community.


I am pleased to welcome students, parents and staff to another exciting year at Jaffray School. As Principal, I look forward to helping make the school year a great one. We have a great team that is dedicated to providing quality learning experiences for all of our students in a safe, caring, friendly, supportive, and inclusive environment.


It is important for all of us to work together in your child’s education. I believe regular communication is critical between parents and their children and between parents and the child’s teacher in order to support the child’s learning.  Building a positive working relationship with all the concerned parties will help the child develop a positive attitude toward learning and the school. I highly recommend parents get involved in the school. Some ways to get involved are by joining PAC, helping out with One-to-One Reading, going on field trips, helping coach, to name a few. If you have a few hours to help out the school, please feel welcome to come in and make the school a better place for your child.


School personnel will do their best to keep parents informed of what is happening at Jaffray Elementary Junior Secondary during the year.  There will be weekly school newsletters issued every Monday by email and are also available on our school website.


If parents have questions or concerns please do not hesitate to phone the school at (250) 429-3211 or email me,  If parents wish an interview with a teacher, counsellor, or administrator please phone and request that the secretary arrange a convenient time.​
